Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas Betsy!!!

This is a post for my sister who is serving in the Air Force in Afghanistan.

We wanted to send you a video "hello!" because we miss you and we love you. We wish that you were here with us to celebrate the holidays but we know that you have a job to do. We are so proud of you and we love you so much! We miss you!

<3 Sarah, Mom, Dad, Katie, Aunt Phoebe, Uncle John, and Matty!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

More Sports

These are just more of the sports I have shot this semester. I am looking forward to having a little but more time to shoot in the spring. I am getting a fisheye and I think that will make for some really cool gymnastics photos! Anyway, these aren't the greatest, but sports photography isn't really my strength.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Continuing with Headshots

On Friday I was able to photograph Sarah, Pete, Jon, and Warren. I have already done some of Warren, but I wanted to shoot him again and try something a little more creative. Sarah was probably the best model that has sat for me so far, she is really uninhibited and it was really easy to get good expressions out of her. She also gave me a wide range of expressions to chose from. I think that I would like to branch out and photograph some people I don't know. There is definitely a different dynamic when you're photographing someone who is familiar to you. I also need to start shooting with my view camera, I am way behind on portraits for that.

This is the only one of Warren that I am posting today. It was just something fun that we were trying. As you can see below, Pete also wanted to be photographed like this!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Trying not to forget what it's like to photograph for fun.

It's weird how easily I forget that I actually LIKE to photography and not that I need to do it for class. It was nice to just take my camera out and go for a walk.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Headshots II

These are some more headshots I shot today of my friends Kathryn and Warren. Kathryn wanted to have some basic headshots to auditon with, we shot in black and white and color. I haven't decided which shots I like better. The color will be a little washed out on the color ones because of the nature of putting them on the web. I am definitely learning and trying new things. I am getting more comfortable with people, and gaining more confidence in my abilities to portray people in the ways that they want to be.

I am definitely learning a lot, I am sure that there will be more headshots to come!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


For my class this semester I am doing more portraits. I am the most uncomfortable when I am photographing people so I am trying to push myself to do it more. This first set is cheating a little because these are of my fiance Peter. I am definitely more comfortable photographing him. I am hoping that the more I photograph people the more I will get a feel for it. There is so much pressure because everyone has a certain way that they think that they should look. Here are some of Peter that I took the other day. The color in the images does not show up as rich on the website, but I still like them.

I love this one, he's so goofy and fun to photograph!

There are more to come and I am very excited about this project.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

We're Engaged!

Obviously, you can already see that from the pictures but Pete and I just wanted to put something up about it. We were engaged on Saturday night October 5. Pete proposed on at night on the mall on the Penn State campus in front of the library. That is definitely a place that it very special to both of us. We don't really have any details about when the wedding will be yet, but we are hoping sometime in August! Feel free to leave comments or questions!

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Sports Photography!

This is my new love, sports photography! These are photos from the Penn State vs. Notre Dame game!